Quality of all-day schooling

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Providing all children and young people with equal educational opportunities is a key challenge for our education system. In many families, both parents are working and need high-quality, flexible, all-day educational programmes that support their children’s development. In addition, all children and young people – regardless of their social background – should have the opportunity to take advantage of sporting, cultural and other educational programmes in addition to what is offered at school. Research on all-day schools is dedicated to these conflicting priorities.

While the quantitative expansion of all-day schooling has progressed considerably, the quality of all-day schooling has not developed to the same extent. Studies on the development of all-day schools (StEG) have shown that it is precisely the general qualitative framework, such as multi-professional cooperation and the design of programmes, that is decisive in ensuring that extracurricular programmes at all-day schools are used to a greater extent.

The existing collaborative project is working on three topic areas that have proven to be particularly relevant for the development of all-day schools: (1) the impact of participation in extracurricular activities on students, (2) school development, which includes organisation and learning culture, and (3) the interaction among different educational stakeholders as a framework for these impacts.

For this purpose, the researchers use large data sets from StEG and analyse them in depth. In addition, they compile research overviews which, on the one hand, summarise validated and robust findings in the research of all-day schooling and, on the other hand, identify existing topics requiring research. In addition, transfer into practice is also explicitly one of the aims of the collaborative project.

More information can be found here.

Website: All-day schooling portal

Link to the project in the Topic Finder