Emerging researchers groups

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Call for proposals: 02/09/2019
Funding period: 2021–2026
Projects: 11 emerging researchers groups
(7 empirical educational research, 2 science and higher education research, 2 research on sexualised violence)

Objectives of the funding measure
Fostering emerging researchers and further improving our education system on a sound knowledge base – two key Federal Government aims are addressed at the same time by the new research priority ’Emerging researchers groups in empirical educational research’. Well-qualified emerging researchers strengthen the science system and thus the innovative capability of our country. In addition to the topic-specific priorities, the pivotal tasks of the BMBF’s Framework Programme for Empirical Educational Research and the funding priority ‘Science and Higher Education Research’ are to provide structural support for empirical educational research and to develop it qualitatively. The funding policy objective for the new priority area is to promote application-oriented basic research and design-oriented empirical research in which the researchers consider the transfer and implementation of their findings into educational practice right from the outset in their research design. In this context, it is also important to promote interdisciplinary and international cooperation between representatives from science, educational practice and research.

The funding is aimed at excellent postdoctoral students in their early-career phase. In the context of emerging researchers groups, they implement their own projects on an empirical educational research topic. Taking on a leadership role in a group of emerging researchers helps early-career researchers to further develop their own academic profile, to acquire leadership skills, and to become employable in academia, or to qualify for prominent positions in educational practice and administration. The range of topics in the emerging researchers groups is broad, extending from digitalisation, social diversity and the quality of teacher training to raising awareness of sexualised violence in educational contexts and its prevention. The research topics are drawn from the fields of action in the Framework Programme for Empirical Educational Research or from topics in the funding priority ‘Science and Higher Education Research’ (wihoforschung.de).

Link to funding directives:

Richtlinie zur Förderung von Nachwuchsforschungsgruppen in der empirischen Bildungsforschung

Link to projects