Strengthening European cooperation in educational research

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Call for proposals: 21/01/2021
Funding period: 2021–2026
Projects: 7 projects

Objectives of the funding measure
The funding directive for ‘Strengthening European cooperation in educational research’ is part of the funding programme ‘The European Innovation Union – German impulses for the European Research Area’. Its aims include strengthening research institutions and researchers in Germany to retain a competitive edge in Europe and worldwide, as well as accelerating the transfer of European research into industry and civil society. The funding measure contributes especially to field of action 1 in the funding programme – the targeted development of networks. This structural measure is designed to complement research funding in the Framework Programme for Empirical Educational Research, thus contributing to the substantive goals of the framework programme: generating sound insights into educational processes and their framework conditions, and therefore providing evidence-based knowledge for educationally relevant decision-making and reforms in the education system.
The policy objective of the funding directive is to foster networking among education researchers, also taking emerging researchers into account, to strengthen the exchange of content, and to promote cooperation and innovation within European education research, thus providing a better footing to jointly tackle the key challenges in education. In terms of the benefits for society, improving the usability of research results in practice is always the focus of all of the measures.

Link to funding directive:

Richtlinie zur Förderung von Projekten zum Thema Stärkung der europäischen Zusammenarbeit in der Bildungsforschung im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Die europäische Innovationsunion– Deutsche Impulse für den Europäischen Forschungsraum (EFR)“

Link to projects

Webreport to funding directive

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